Digital transformation is viewed as an essential genesis of every company across the globe, from the small to the enterprise, to sustain its relevancy especially in this era of uncertainty or widely-known as the post-pandemic phase. In order to be able to implement digital transformation in our organisations and business models, it is imperative for us to comprehend the whole concept. Let us walk through the elaboration of the mentioned term below to have a better vision on this matter.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital Transformation is defined by the inclusion of technologies into the business strategies, products, cultures, processes and operations. Organisations invest in digital transformation to create a better engagement and provide high quality services for their internal and external clients to boost their competitiveness in the industry, granting the capability to transform digital technology into business advantage. Basically, digital transformation is about rejuvenating the business in this digital age.

It is an appealing term that has climb to the top of the chart during pandemic that requires interdepartmental cooperation in materialising the theoretical values. The digital transformation programme entails an integration of all parts of businesses that results in shifting the

organisational paradigm systematically. Given how rapidly digital technology has agitated the media industry previously and caused market disruption, we need to realise that we must digitalise our businesses now.

What is the difference between digitisation and digitalisation?

Digitisation is the act of changing an analog into a digital form, such as scanning a document and save it in the computer. Meanwhile, digitalisation refers to the application of digital technologies to collect data, identify patterns, and improve business decisions. For example, upskilling the employees to use certain software platforms to increase efficiency in operating the business. Both concepts play an important role in digital transformation, but the impact of the later goes above par.

After all, we need to admit that technology is the key driver in this increasingly digital age. It does not matter if we are in the tech-savvy group or not, we are now surrounded by thousands of IT Service Providers that we can opt for. Worldtech Solutions will gladly help you to manage the risks and resources of the digital assets in your organisations. Check out the services page and find the solution that fits your organisation, or directly reach out to us to book a feasibility study session.